Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fear of failure

There are different kind of phobias. I think fear of failure is also a phobia. I don't know if it has any other name.
I was reading some stress management book a while back and there was a mention about this fear of failure as well, which leads to a lot of stress.
Nobody wants to fail in anything, but,probably after few failures, there would be this fear of failure which would stop people from being happy or to even believe themselves.
What can help such people? Yoga?

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Helplessness is a state that I would never want to get into and would never want any of my dear ones to be in.

Some of the simplest of simple things can get so very complicated and lead to helplessness. An open communication could save so much misery, tears , embarrassment and agony.

Feeling unwanted , being hated and helplessness - all they can do is only to bring out the worst out of a person. If such feeling prevails at home , what kind of a mental torture ?

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Superior and inferior?

I don't want to generalize but some of the north indians (well..this word itself is subjective. Anyone who belongs to states north of AP are North indians according to me :) ) have a very low opinion on south indians. Wonder why. Is it because they think that they are fair skinned ? Or is it because they think they are more refined ?

I know some people even comment that south indians have an accent. Don't they have an accent. I think pretty much everybody , regardless of the state they belong to have an accent, just that probably they don't realize it.
Few years ago, my own roommate was telling someone that she thinks that if someone says he/she is from south, they are two steps inferior to her.
I didn't react or make any comment coz I just didn't understand how could you judge someone like that.
What is this superiority feeling all about?

Friday, September 04, 2009


Rest in peace YSR !

Your demise is extremely saddening and nobody can replace you.
మొన్నటి దాక నవ్వుతూ ఉన్న వ్యక్తి హటాత్తుగా ఇలా..
politics తో నాకు ఏ మాత్రం ఆసక్తి లేకపోయినా కూడా ఈ వార్త చాల బాధపెడుతోంది.

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