Sunday, September 20, 2009


Helplessness is a state that I would never want to get into and would never want any of my dear ones to be in.

Some of the simplest of simple things can get so very complicated and lead to helplessness. An open communication could save so much misery, tears , embarrassment and agony.

Feeling unwanted , being hated and helplessness - all they can do is only to bring out the worst out of a person. If such feeling prevails at home , what kind of a mental torture ?


Jyostna Sunday, 08 November, 2009  


This is my 1st visit to your blog. Your Lyrics blog landed me here..appreciate the good work.
I like the short n sweet writing style of yours.

Good Luck


Sravya Wednesday, 11 November, 2009  

Thank you Jyostna

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