Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Superior and inferior?

I don't want to generalize but some of the north indians (well..this word itself is subjective. Anyone who belongs to states north of AP are North indians according to me :) ) have a very low opinion on south indians. Wonder why. Is it because they think that they are fair skinned ? Or is it because they think they are more refined ?

I know some people even comment that south indians have an accent. Don't they have an accent. I think pretty much everybody , regardless of the state they belong to have an accent, just that probably they don't realize it.
Few years ago, my own roommate was telling someone that she thinks that if someone says he/she is from south, they are two steps inferior to her.
I didn't react or make any comment coz I just didn't understand how could you judge someone like that.
What is this superiority feeling all about?


Dreamer Wednesday, 09 September, 2009  

The main reason behind their feeling is that they think Hindi is superior to South Indian languages, which is a foolish thought. I too really detest those who hate people on basis of religion and region. That is a kind of racism. They say that we speak in an accent. In all fairness I can say that we speak much better English than they do. I'm not referring English as a superior language, just that its a language we know other than mother tongue for the two kinds.

Sravya Thursday, 10 September, 2009  

Yeah...I think they have an opinion that south indians are more conservative as well and they think we need to "Grow up". Well.thats just my experience. All of us are indians for that matter..why have this kind of prejudices.

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