Thursday, March 25, 2010

Giving a wrong message to youngsters?

I am surprised to see the headlines today.

I am not sure, if this was what exactly the court said or if any feathers and wings were added to the story.

The first thing I thought was that it is like planting encouraging thoughts in the young minds that there is nothing wrong about it.

There might not be a law per say , but how about our morals and ethics. I wish that a wrong message isn't sent to the people.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


A super favorite song of mine (Would there be anyone who wouldn't like this song)

సీతారాముల కళ్యాణం అంటే నాకు భద్రాచలం ఎంత గుర్తొస్తుందో ఈ పాట కూడా అంతే గుర్తొస్తుంది. ఈ పాటలో ఇంత చక్కని మాటలకి ప్రాణం పోసిన స్వరకల్పన.
అసలు ఏ పెళ్ళి అయినా నాకు ఈ పాటే గుర్తొస్తుంది.

I have great obsession to these lyrics in this song,right from my childhood:

జానకి దోసిట కెంపుల ప్రోవై, కెంపుల ప్రోవై
రాముని దోసిట నీలపు రాశై, నీలపు రాశై..
ఆణిముత్యములు తలంబ్రాలుగా..
ఆణిముత్యములు తలంబ్రాలుగా..
శిరముల మెరసిన సీతారాముల...

శిరమున మెరసిన సీతారాముల

ఆనందమానందమాయెనే ...

అసలు ఏదైనా పెళ్ళి అంటే మన తెలుగు వారందరూ తలంబ్రాలకి ఈ పాటే పెట్టి తీరాలి అని వాదించే అంతగా నాకు ఈ పాట, ఈ lyrics అంటే obsession.

శ్రీరామనవమి శుభాకాంక్షలు !

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Some random drawings these days for my stress relief...

Critique in me voices that they are looking like a 5 year old's drawings... never mind...just a matter of taking break and pampering my mind which choses to be child like, once in a while...

Sunday, March 07, 2010

when the mind isn't rested

Sometimes I set unrealistic goals for myself and get upset with myself that I haven't done everything that I wanted to do on a particular day or on a particular weekend. Wonder if it is because I want to do way too many things. Be knowledgeable on everything. Knowing everything isn't very possible but wonder why I feel like knowing everything - atleast in terms of technology or the domain I work on. If it is an ego that I have to know a lot of things and be respected for what I know, or a race that I want to be in the top and be distinguished, or my critical nature that always nags me that I can do better or just an ambitous trait to make me feel motivated for being the best in whatever I do.

Whatever is the case, I guess I need to take things with a better state of mind. Of late, I can feel that mind isn't actually rested. I am constantly nagged even in the sleep and I don't feel rested at all.

A rested peaceful mind can probably grasp things better, think better. As much as I know what to do, I need to overcome the inertia and get to the actual implementation and streamlining the thoughts in a better way and put them into action.

(Picture courtesy; Google search engine for images)

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