Sunday, March 07, 2010

when the mind isn't rested

Sometimes I set unrealistic goals for myself and get upset with myself that I haven't done everything that I wanted to do on a particular day or on a particular weekend. Wonder if it is because I want to do way too many things. Be knowledgeable on everything. Knowing everything isn't very possible but wonder why I feel like knowing everything - atleast in terms of technology or the domain I work on. If it is an ego that I have to know a lot of things and be respected for what I know, or a race that I want to be in the top and be distinguished, or my critical nature that always nags me that I can do better or just an ambitous trait to make me feel motivated for being the best in whatever I do.

Whatever is the case, I guess I need to take things with a better state of mind. Of late, I can feel that mind isn't actually rested. I am constantly nagged even in the sleep and I don't feel rested at all.

A rested peaceful mind can probably grasp things better, think better. As much as I know what to do, I need to overcome the inertia and get to the actual implementation and streamlining the thoughts in a better way and put them into action.

(Picture courtesy; Google search engine for images)


Srinivas Monday, 08 March, 2010  

I suggest u watch this ted talk

Sravya Thursday, 11 March, 2010  

Thank you Srinivas. Pretty interesting.

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