Thursday, March 25, 2010

Giving a wrong message to youngsters?

I am surprised to see the headlines today.

I am not sure, if this was what exactly the court said or if any feathers and wings were added to the story.

The first thing I thought was that it is like planting encouraging thoughts in the young minds that there is nothing wrong about it.

There might not be a law per say , but how about our morals and ethics. I wish that a wrong message isn't sent to the people.


Dreamer Thursday, 25 March, 2010  

That is exactly what is said by the Supreme Court of India... Indian society is in the path of the western society... slowly the divorce rates will rise.. and family life will crumble..

Sravya Thursday, 25 March, 2010  

Thats so unfortunate. I was atleast under an illusion that certain things are very common in the west and India still has Indian values and atleast some people have the responsibility and a sense of moral and ethical values. But if a supreme court makes these kind of comments, I am afraid the young minds are going to be corrupted , if not already.

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