Tuesday, April 06, 2010

What is life about?

Sometimes life seems so strange to me.
Human life, God's creation.
What is the purpose of life?
Each and everybody must have a purpose of this birth. But not everybody really achieves it, may be?
How many really feel that bliss?
What does God think , looking at some of us who are drifting away from what our purpose is?
I can't really seem to understand sometimes. Life is not permanent for anyone.
What is this all about? దేనికోసం మనిషి కి ఈ తాపత్రయం?మనిషి కి ఈ బంధాలు,బాంధవ్యాలు?ఉన్న ఈ జీవితం లో మళ్ళీ మోసాలు, కుట్రలు, కుతంత్రాలు?చివరకి ఎవరు మాత్రం ఏం సాధిస్తారు?
Would there be a point where human being doesn't have anything to look forward to at all? Where are we heading to? What is it that we are behind? Is it all about money? Or to be peaceful?


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