Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another random ranting

Everytime I feel so let down , I always motivate myself that I have been through worser times in life and this too shall pass.
Compared to many many people in the world who are in suffering, I know and acknowledge that I am very much leading a quality life. But I think some of the disappointments come from unfulfilled goals and when there is a lack of balance in life.

What do about the unfulfilled goals ? A reality check,on how realistic the goals are?
What did I want to be at this stage of life?
How happy am I currently? If I am not, what is it that I could do to reach there?
I think those are the questions that I ask.
What about lack of balance in life. What if certain things are beyond my control?
Wonder what others do to motivate themselves.

Can't believe that I could ever be this way for the kind of ferocious aspirations I had and how I used to be so ambitious.
Hmm..why is it that for some of us, nothing comes without a great struggle in life, and why is it that for some, it is such a cake walk? Probably this proverb holds good here - Grass on the other side is always greener.
Who knows.


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