Friday, April 09, 2010

Random thoughts..

Being always a protected one at home hardly ever gives a chance to show a protectiveness towards another person. But we do grasp so much from the elders and how they show care for us.

I hardly knew how to pamper someone else. I am always the one who gets pampered, be it from family or friends.

But when it comes to any situations where I know I am the older one or the one who is capable of showing how to take care , I surprise myself that there is this aspect as well in me that I can do things this way. Well, I think one of the biggest things I think I learnt after coming to this country is to just discover myself and let myself evolve as a person and groom my own individuality - whether I come across as someone in old school or someone who is stubborn ; it is just me. I like to react and talk in my own way rather than doing certain things just for the sake of it or by peer pressure.

As much as parents like to raise the girls in such a protective way, I think I had a lot of issues being ignorant and took way too long to evolve from a child like mind to think like an adult. Innocence after sometime actually becomes ignorance and ignorance isn't always bliss .

Hmm not sure what I wanted to write.
Yet another day passed by.


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