Monday, October 07, 2013

Fundas got wrong

I somehow feel most of the fundas in my head are so very wrong.
I must have blogged these already somewhere in some other post but recently I was having
a conversation with couple of my friends and they were saying I better start listing out
all my realizations of wrong fundas in my head for sometime and see what I learn eventually.
So here goes -
Out of several other fundas, below are the top two that I got wrong:

1) Findng a guy yourself or letting a guy approach you is wrong. Having crush on a guy is wrong.
Such a wrong funda :(
I really don't know what made me think this way. All of my friends who found guy themselves are happily settled. There could exceptions all over but there is nothing wrong when you make a wise choice.

2) Either you could be studious or could be good looking and can't be both.
Wrong funda again :(
I always wanted to be an intelligent girl or a smart girl. I have no idea what made me think that I cannot be both. It is quite funny now when I think back that, on first day my college, I saw a bunch of girls who were distinguishing themselves (in my head) by roaming around after every class, all over the college building, going to the canteen and giggling all the time. Funny that I was telling myself that I should not befriend them and possibly avoid them. Somehow I never had good impression on the girls who seemed that they needed attention all the time. I don't know why I was so judgemental.
No idea why I thought good looking girls cannot be intelligent and studious.
I still shy away on a personal level but I have no issues on professional level if I am presenting something. I was happy I taught two undergrad level courses myself and I was not an assistant but was hired to teach classes as professor myself when I was doing my masters at my University. But on a personal level, I get so conscious and shy when I meet new people especially guys.

Why did I get them wrong. Don't know. But I was probably trying to fit into a generation previous than mine as per their standards and their living conditions.

But oh well, I am trying to change.  There should now be halo behind my head due to this enlightenment.
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