Thursday, October 31, 2013

Street smart

One of the other fundas that I have gotten wrong is that - I somehow attributed a negative connotation to the word "Street smart". If someone ever told me that someone is street smart, I always had a negative impression on that person , also a sense of guarding myself to keep away from such person too.
I wonder from where I had picked up all these fundas. Nobody ever told me anything.

Of late, I am realizing that it is not wrong to be street smart. It is not equivalent to being mean.

At work, looks like you got to be street smart at least which means that you have to have some common sense or rather have a sense of what is happening around yourself.
When that completely lacks, people will take advantage of you and you will be buried in your ignorance. You do the work and someone else gets the credit for it.

All those guards that I tend to build around me should take care of lot of other things too. Huh!


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