Friday, October 11, 2013

So called "problems"

There was a quote that I read somewhere - "If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back"

So true - compared to the problems everyone else faces in life, our problems wouldn't even seem like problems at that time. Probably we would be grateful that we have a better life than many in this world who are underprivileged.

I think , this was the same feeling I was having, when I visited temples in India , few months ago when I was on vacation. Typically, as there a lot of beggars (I somehow feel pained to even use this word) outside most temples in India, looking at their misery, I feel terribly guilty to even ask anything for myself when I get into the temple. Everyday that I pray, I don't understand if I should ask anything more from God or be grateful to the life that I already have.


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