Thursday, October 20, 2011

2 EarthQuakes in a day

2 EarthQuakes in a day:

As how, a typical bay area person reacts to tremor, we didn't really bother in the office when there was earth quake in the afternoon. Didn't even bother to get up from our cubes.

But in the night, that is, few minutes ago, sure, we felt it quite well while we were having dinner but again , we didn't bother to go out of the house now as well though...but two earth quakes in a day?? Hmm..

Irony is that state of california had the earthquake drill this morning and two earthquakes hit us on the same day.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't sweat

Thought I would remind myself of this book I read a while back. Tried to search online and this is what I found:

Friday, October 07, 2011


California has three of world's top 10 universities.

Many UC's within top 150.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Steve Jobs

What a sad news today.
I was just refreshing a site and this breaking news appeared.
Wish this wasn't true. Somehow I thought he was going to survive for longer time.
Rest in peace.

Saw this article on Forbes – it’s definitely worth a read if you have a few minutes to spare…
The Top Ten Lessons Steve Jobs Can Teach Us - If We'll Listen

In a few years from now, your kids and grandkids will ask you what it was like to be alive when Steve Jobs was the CEO of Apple (AAPL). They will say: “Jobs was the best CEO in business. What was he like? What did you learn from him?”
What will your answer be?

It’s human nature to overlook the importance of the here and now. Those who are great and live among us seem more normal because they’re breathing the same air that we are.
But, make no mistake, once Steve Jobs is no longer with us, there will be an outpouring of emotion. The tributes will be endless. And there will be collective regret that we weren’t more awake, paying attention, while he was with us.

The wisdom he shared with us at every major speech, or on an earnings call, or in a casual chat put up on YouTube will seem 10 times wiser because he’s no longer with us.
So, let’s pause today and try to remind ourselves of some lessons Steve Jobs has taught us all — if we’ve been willing to pay attention:

1. The most enduring innovations marry art and science – Steve has always pointed out that the biggest difference between Apple and all the other computer (and post-PC) companies through history is that Apple always tried to marry art and science. Jobs pointed out the original team working on the Mac had backgrounds in anthropology, art, history, and poetry. That’s always been important in making Apple’s products stand out. It’s the difference between the iPad and every other tablet computer that came before it or since. It is the look and feel of a product. It is its soul. But it is such a difficult thing for computer scientists or engineers to see that importance, so any company must have a leader that sees that importance.

2. To create the future, you can’t do it through focus groups – There is a school of thought in management theory that — if you’re in the consumer-facing space building products and services — you’ve got to listen to your customer. Steve Jobs was one of the first businessmen to say that was a waste of time. The customers today don’t always know what they want, especially if it’s something they’ve never seen, heard, or touched before. When it became clear that Apple would come out with a tablet, many were skeptical. When people heard the name (iPad), it was a joke in the Twitter-sphere for a day. But when people held one, and used it, it became a ‘must have.’ They didn’t know how they’d previously lived without one. It became the fastest growing Apple product in its history. Jobs (and the Apple team) trusted himself more than others. Picasso and great artists have done that for centuries. Jobs was the first in business.

3. Never fear failure – Jobs was fired by the successor he picked. It was one of the most public embarrassments of the last 30 years in business. Yet, he didn’t become a venture capitalist never to be heard from again. He didn’t start a production company and do a lot of lunches. He picked himself up and got back to work following his passion. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told he only had a few weeks to live. As Samuel Johnson said, there’s nothing like your impending death to focus the mind. From Jobs’ 2005 Stanford commencement speech:
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

4. You can’t connect the dots forward – only backward – This is another gem from the 2005 Stanford speech. The idea behind the concept is that, as much as we try to plan our lives ahead in advance, there’s always something that’s completely unpredictable about life. What seems like bitter anguish and defeat in the moment — getting dumped by a girlfriend, not getting that job at McKinsey, “wasting” 4 years of your life on a start-up that didn’t pan out as you wanted — can turn out to sow the seeds of your unimaginable success years from now. You can’t be too attached to how you think your life is supposed to work out and instead trust that all the dots will be connected in the future. This is all part of the plan.
Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

5. Listen to that voice in the back of your head that tells you if you’re on the right track or not – Most of us don’t hear a voice inside our heads. We’ve simply decided that we’re going to work in finance or be a doctor because that’s what our parents told us we should do or because we wanted to make a lot of money. When we consciously or unconsciously make that decision, we snuff out that little voice in our head. From then on, most of us put it on automatic pilot. We mail it in. You have met these people. They’re nice people. But they’re not changing the world. Jobs has always been a restless soul. A man in a hurry. A man with a plan. His plan isn’t for everyone. It was his plan. He wanted to build computers. Some people have a voice that tells them to fight for democracy. Some have one that tells them to become an expert in miniature spoons. When Jobs first saw an example of a Graphical User Interface — a GUI — he knew this was the future of computing and that he had to create it. That became the Macintosh. Whatever your voice is telling you, you would be smart to listen to it.

6. Expect a lot from yourself and others – We have heard stories of Steve Jobs yelling or dressing down staff. He’s a control freak, we’ve heard – a perfectionist. The bottom line is that he is in touch with his passion and that little voice in the back of his head. He gives a damn. He wants the best from himself and everyone who works for him. If they don’t give a damn, he doesn’t want them around. And yet — he keeps attracting amazing talent around him. Why? Because talent gives a damn too. There’s a saying: if you’re a “B” player, you’ll hire “C” players below you because you don’t want them to look smarter than you. If you’re an “A” player, you’ll hire “A+” players below you, because you want the best result.

7. Don’t care about being right. Care about succeeding – Jobs used this line in an interview after he was fired by Apple. If you have to steal others’ great ideas to make yours better, do it. You can’t be married to your vision of how a product is going to work out, such that you forget about current reality. When the Apple III came out, it was hot and warped its motherboard even though Jobs had insisted it would be quiet and sleek. If Jobs had stuck with Lisa, Apple would have never developed the Mac.

8. Find the most talented people to surround yourself with – There is a misconception that Apple is Steve Jobs. Everyone else in the company is a faceless minion working to please the all-seeing and all-knowing Jobs. In reality, Jobs has surrounded himself with talent: Phil Schiller, Jony Ive, Peter Oppenheimer, Tim Cook, the former head of stores Ron Johnson. These are all super-talented people who don’t get the credit they deserve. The fact that Apple’s stock price has been so strong since Jobs left as CEO is a credit to the strength of the team. Jobs has hired bad managerial talent before. John Sculley ended up firing Jobs and — according to Jobs — almost killing the company. Give credit to Jobs for learning from this mistake and realizing that he can’t do anything without great talent around him.Move up Move down

9. Stay hungry, stay foolish - Again from the end of Jobs’ memorable Stanford speech:
When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960′s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.
Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

10. Anything is possible through hard work, determination, and a sense of vision – Although he’s the greatest CEO ever and the father of the modern computer, at the end of the day, Steve Jobs is just a guy. He’s a husband, a father, a friend — like you and me. We can be just as special as he is — if we learn his lessons and start applying them in our lives. When Jobs returned to Apple in the 1990s, it was weeks away from bankruptcy. It’s now the biggest company in the world. Anything’s possible in life if you continue to follow the simple lessons laid out above.


What is it that you expect get from the past?
One of my friends asked me...I didn't know what to say ..I just said, "memories".
But the answer I got was "Wisdom".

So true...
Just learn from the past, gain wisdom and just be in the present rather than be stuck in the past.
I learnt something :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hmm...Some quotes  :
  • Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.
  • Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is... suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with
  • In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do.
  • You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh, but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dream away..

I had been reading this book and had been a good read.
I cannot sleep even a single day without dreams and any insight into the dreams is interesting to me. I did read Sigmund Freud's "Interpretation of dreams". And I recently came across this one by Swami Sivananda and it has been interesting read.

Some excerpts :

The reactions to dreams differ according to mental disposition, temperament and diet of the person.

All dreams are affairs of mere seconds. Within ten seconds you will experience dreams wherein the events of several years happen.

Some get dreams occasionally, while some others experience dreams daily. They can never have sleep without dreams.

Certain kinds of external sounds such as the ringing of a bell, the noise of alarm-clock, knocks on the door or the wall, the blowing of wind, the drizzling of rain, the rustling of leaves, the blowing of the horn of a motor car, the cracking of the window etc., may produce in the mind of the dreamer variety of imaginations. They generate certain sensations, which increase according to the power of imagination of the sleeper and the sensitiveness of his mind. These sounds cause very elaborate dreams.

Dreams, though of a strange and illusory nature, are a good index of the high or low spiritual and moral condition of the dreamer. He, who has a pure heart and untainted character, will never get impure dreams.

During sleep, sometimes we are conscious of the fact that we are asleep and we are dreaming.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jhanda ooncha rahe hamara...

Salute to my mother India.
Let's all take at least one moment today to thank countless families that sacrificed their lives for their future generations , which is us, to be happy.
For all those people, We owe you a lot.
Long live India - My mother land.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cadbury ad

Came across this ad today...made me smile..

Reminded me of my childhood first memory of eating a chocolate that kind of melted and I had it all over my hand and mouth. Still remember so very clearly from my LKG..

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Web Store

Chrome webstore seem to have a lot of stuff:

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Understand the silence

Came across a quote today and liked it :

"If you don't understand my silence, you won't understand my words"

It might not make sense at times, but at times it does.
Interesting quote.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Can God be seen

I loved this read:

especially this paragraph:

It is God who lends power to our senses, perception to our mind, discernment to our intellect, strength to our limbs; it is through His will that we live and die. But man vainly imagines that he is the actor and the enjoyer. Man is a mere nothing before the Almighty governing Power that directs the movement in the universe.

"It is in a twinkling of an eye, when compared to the unimaginable age of the universe, that empires rise and fall, dynasties rise and perish, the boundaries of the land and the sea wax and wane, and we find a mountain range where there had been a sea and a new sea where there had been a plateau. It is in a twinkling of an eye that we find millionaires become paupers and paupers become millionaires, and a King becomes a wandering exile by a tryst of destiny and a vagrant becomes a King. So many planets are created, sustained and dissolved every moment in this vast universe. Who is behind this gigantic phenomena? It is God and none but the one God, to realise whom one has to give up vanity, the feeling of doership, arrogance and pride; to realise Him one has to surrender oneself entirely to His will, which can be discerned through cultivation of purity, emotional maturity and intellectual conviction; to realise that God one has to efface oneself in toto and feel that one is a mere instrument of His will."

Friday, July 29, 2011

Among who?

It is making me think these days on who do I want to be among, in the work environment.
Among a set of people who know more stuff than me and aspire to be them or to be among a set of people who do not know as much as me and be respected that I know more than them?

Sometimes I feel we would get stagnant if there isn't a need to push ourselves and be updated with technology all the time, if we are with a set of people where it is not necessary.

On the other hand, if we are with a set of people who are way ahead of us, it is a constant battle everyday to work under pressure and to be with a fear of failure.

May be it depends on what phase of life are you in, whether or not you afford to take extra pressure or not.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A few of ..

A few of some strangest wishes of mine :

1) To dub for a telugu heroine in a telugu film (preferably Sekhar Kammula's movie, may be. Well, it is just a strange wish that I know it won't come true. Just that every time I see a movie ..not sekhar garu's but where the heroine can't talk telugu but some dubbing artist who has that irritating voice and talks as though she is learning telugu just then, with that ముద్దు ముద్దు మాటలు irritate me and makes me wonder, I could have atleast spoken and dubbed though I know absolutely nothing about dubbing. And do you want to know why Sekhar garu's movie, just to hope that there are some decent dialogues if at all I ever dub :)

2)One day I will have a big accomplishment and my whole family is there to cheer me and to be proud of me. (May be everyone has this wish/dream)

3)To travel across the world and see certain places such as Paris, London , australia,new zealand, singapore.

4)To be recognized as someone who is intelligent :) (well no I am not dumb right now..but I guess intelligence attracts me and in this context I don't like the rule "opposites attract")

5)To be a full time employee of Microsoft , at-least for sometime.

6)My prince charming comes and surprises me with a bunch of flowers and assures me that he is always mine :">

7)To just be a good house wife.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Silent anthem

Stirs the emotions !

Thursday, May 19, 2011


What is the solution for laziness.
I feel , some kind of obligation would help conquer laziness?
If you are lazy to cook, having a roommate probably makes you obligated to cook.
Same applies to cleaning , if you are lazy to clean up, a visit of a guest would obligate you to do the cleaning.

Well..but at times, I think too much obligation might also cause frustration.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Eyes give it away..

"Dil ki jo baatein hain, baatein jo dil ki hain
Dil hi mein rakhna piya
Lab to na kholoon main, kholoon na lab to par
Aakhon se sab keh diya"

Somehow remembered these lyrics today in the context that I just can't hide most of my feelings especially if I am angry, frustrated, upset.
My eyes just give it away.
Wonder what I should do to not let anything reflect on the face.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Incredible India ads..

I happened to come across these videos today and liked them instantly:

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Historic moment - Indian Cricket

Captain innings by MS Dhoni. What a shot to win. Won in "style". He is the captain that got us the 20-20 world cup and now, the much awaited big one.
What a match to watch.
What a moment to cherish. An experience to cherish that India is a world champion. A winning moment of World cup that our team has won it. 28 years of a very long wait for all the Indians to experience this joy. Cricket is truly a religion in India where every citizen celebrates regardless of where they are located.
They did say, they will win the cup for Sachin and they won indeed.

Any other world cup win at a different time wouldn't have been the same , if we won it after Sachin retires - it wouldn't have been the same . ( I wouldn't want him to retire, but that would be too selfish of me to ask for.)

I am sure every Indian had tears of joy and as Sachin said - tears of happiness and don't mind crying.

Indian cricket team - you made us all proud !

Monday, March 14, 2011

Life is fragile

How fragile can life be.
Japan's earthquake and tsunami proved it again that life is very fragile.
Most unfortunate thing to happen. It is terrifying to see what happens when the nature shows its rage. Very very disturbing.
I feel very sorry and upset for people who are going through this.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Face is the index of mind.
It is so easy to find out looking at my face sometimes when I am irritated.
Sometimes, I still can maintain composure and not express anything and be so poised that some people think that I am an epitome of patience.
But sometimes, it is just written all over the face that I am so very irritated.
Today was one of those days that I couldn't do good job in hiding my feelings.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Looking ahead and focussed

"Looking ahead and focussed" -> Do these words sound so positive?
Right->Absolutely positive words when you attribute them to someone.
They applied to me so very much y'day when I was driving but wasn't so happy about it. It was quite dumb of me.Darn.
I was driving and needed to park when I reached a certain place. All I was doing was very much looking ahead and focussed to find a parking sign.And then, I found the sign "Additional parking--> ".
I was like, oh yeah, so that is the direction I need to go and park, fine but somewhere in the mind, I was thinking, it said "additional" parking, where is the actual parking. Then I quickly justified that, since the building was on the left, probably there is parking over there meant only for the employees of the building and I shouldn't be thinking too much about the adjective "additional".
I parked at the "additional" parking and was totally lost and how do I get to the building-> I don't see the pedestrian walk way. Then I realize, there is that parking garage , right next to the additional parking and I just walk into it , take some stairs, go up and down and then find a pedestrian walkway which led me into the building. And I am so enlightened that while I was driving , all I had to when I saw that "additional parking" "ahead" of me was to slightly turn my head on to the right side to see that parking garage, rather than looking ahead so much and being focussed and finding that additional parking.
Darn, I was so embarassed and had tough time believing I can be so stupid.
No wonder, my folks say that I just go by the book and don't apply common sense at all. Darn.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Being ourselves

Generally we hear this phrase a lot of times, "Be yourself".
It used to me make me wonder that why do people advise others to be yourself.
What else can people be other than being themselves.

But sometimes, yes, people do and say things just to impress people though it is not themselves.
Either to impress, patronize others, or expecting some favor in return, reason could be anything.

How much are we ourselves on a day to day basis?
Some random silly thought on a weekend night.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Birthday

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