Wednesday, November 07, 2012


I feel these days I am getting way too irritated for some small things. I know they are small things but still..Hmm!! I used to be highly irritatable. It has actually been few years that small things irriate me this much. I was a teenager back then, if I have to refresh my memory on when was the last I was so irriated to this degree.
Ok, so what is irritating the heck out of me these days - somebody at work in the next aisle makes some annoying sound with his mouth while chewing. I believe he keeps chewing a gum all the time and makes the most annoying sound. More so , right after lunch.I have to invest in some noise cancellation head phones - don't know if that would shield from these kind of noises. I have to trick my mind somehow not to get irritated with this kind of crap.

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