Monday, November 19, 2012

Appreciating small things in life..

I was driving one of the mornings from my brother's house and within my 41 mile drive it was raining little bit in few segments of my drive. As I was almost approaching office, there was this beautiful rainbow. It instantly made me so happy and I found myself so cheerful and smiling. I do love the area where my office is and the natural beauty surrounding it.

 It is only some small things in life that make us so happy.

As simple as smiles of kids, rainbow in the sky etc. I was thinking of what are the other things that I make me happy. I am somehow fond of watching landing of a flight too. Most other simplest things I really love are listening to a good song while driving. Reading a good book on a friday night is so much fun as well. Reading a good book while having good coffee in Barnes and Noble is another thing I love. Being in library or Barnes and Noble makes me happy too. Being in a good university, being a student is something I really love. Golden gate bridge in San Francisco makes me so happy. Mickey mouses make me smile. Talking to friends, to those with whom I connect so well that it really doesn't matter that I am talking after 3 or 4 years, that conversation with such a dear friend really lifts up my mood.I must have blogged some of these already in this link

 I think these days I am liking the listening to the songs on radio while driving. A well spent weekend - either done with all my to-dos or well rested with no to-dos left :) ofcourse, getting a small appreciation from anyone for what I did - as small a "good" from instructor for any class that I am taking. Now that I am actually kind of paying some attention to my dressing etc, I think I am being happy sometimes if people say they like my dress or ear rings or my shoes etc. Well I must admit that it is quite funny that I didn't notice much for most of my life that guys sometimes do check out when I wear anything fitting. I know guys check out girls, but I never really noticed anyone checking me out until recently. I have always been in my own world, thinking about some idea or absorbed into just my own world. Well, sometimes if someone completely stares, they make me feel uncomfortable. Appreciation might be much different than checking out. (My friends say that is a part of life and being feminine. I missed that phase totally in life - the transition between child and adult. That teenage drama etc is all missed.)


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