Sunday, February 07, 2010

Excerpts from book

I was reading Sudha Murty's "The Old Man and His God". It was absolutely interesting to me. I think I heard her saying some of the stories written in this book in this speech as well.

I absolutely admire her for her candor.

I am quoting some excerpts from the book here. Whenever I am reading a book, some of the sentences fascinate me. In this book, the below sentences really caught me as they probably hit me hard/made me smile/i acknowledge and think the same/I can associate with them/inspired me.

"Anything given away for free loses value and is not treated with the respect it deserves. "

"Everyone has secrets. We all have faults that we try to hide.But the problem arises when don't acknowledge those troubles and faults even to ourselves and pretend to be what we are not."

"We can live in our happiness only when we acknowledge our difficulties and failures and try to overcome them with our strength of character. "

"So what if you have lost the battle, you will win the war. "

"A horegallu is essential in any journey. We all carry our burdens according to our situations and capacities.But every once in a while we need to stop, put down that burden and rest. Only then can we be refreshed enough to pick up the load once more. The horegallu gives everyone that oppurtunity to do so. It helps people regain their strengths. "(I am assuming that telugu word for horegallu is "arugu")

"I don't think there is a greater sin than betraying someone's confidence. "

"Being an introvert, he was quite happy to be alone. "

"With age, I have discovered that it is easier to remember the events of the distant past rather than what happened earlier in the day. "

"It is rare to find a driver who does not drive his auto like a race car, or has a meter which gives the correct reading. For that matter, travelling by road is far more dangerous than travelling by air. "

"I am caught between two generations. "

"He would see that India was known through the world not for her poverty but for the skills of her young people - that would be his contribution towards removing India's problems. "

"It is rare to come across a couple who understand that they are on a journey together, sharing their joys and sorrows. Marriage was a partnership, not a burden or an object to be flaunted. "

"If you want to keep your feet clean in this muddy world, there are only two solutions.Either cover the entire earth or wear a pair of sandals. "

Some of the excerpts from Alchemist in my one of posts here


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