Sunday, February 21, 2010

Leader - Sekhar Kammula film

Watched Sekhar Kammula's Leader today.
I liked the movie and appreciate Sekhar's honest and noble attempt to make a movie of this genre. It really takes courage to make a movie pointing out the corruption in the current political front. There could have been other movies but not as plain movie as this. I hope that he would receive accolades from everyone in the society for this attempt.

Change would not come in a single day but if not a change in the whole political scenario, if each person can take sometime to introspect themselves on how truthful they are , towards themselves, their families and society, that itself is enough. Afterall, if a person can hold himself/herself to be accountable and responsible enough for every action of theirs, they wouldn't do anything that is hurting. There has to be a starting point where everyone could live a truthful and honest life. Every person born would have to die one day and god gave us a chance to live as a human being which is supposed to be a superior living being compared to other living creatures on this earth. But how is our behaviour on a day to day basis. How truthful are we being towards our parents, out siblings, our loved ones ? And what does it take to be honest and truthful?

Coming back to the movie, Sekhar, I appreciate your attempt and hope it will be well received.


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