Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A random quote

A quote that I read somewhere today:

"A little jealousy in a relationship is healthy, it's nice to know someone's afraid to lose you !"

Interesting..isn't it.

When it comes to jealousy, is it always women who are jealous?
Do men ever feel jealous in a relationship?

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Excerpts from another book

Some excerpts from Eat Pray Love by Elizibeth Gilbert that I finished reading today:

In desperate love, we always invent the characters of our partners, demanding they be what we need of them, and then feeling devastated when they refuse to perform the role we created in the first place.

People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake.

Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you...

A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life.

I met an old lady once, almost a hundred years old, and she told me, 'There are only two questions that human beings have ever fought over, all through history. How much do you love me? And Who's in charge?"

You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control.

God dwells within you, as you.

Let your conscience be your guide.

Plant an expectation, reap a disappointment.

One does have one's feminine pride...

The only place the mind will ever find peace is inside the silence of the heart. That's where you need to go.

I had lines in my face now, permanent incisions dug between my eyebrows from crying and from worry.

Depression and Loneliness track me down ..
Depression on the left, Loneliness on my right. They don't need to show me their badges. I know these guys very well.We've been playing a car-and-mouse game for years now.

Strange interior gesture of friendship- the lending of a hand from me to myself when nobody else is around to offer solace.

Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience. But never again use another person's body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings.

I am stronger than Depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me.
I sit there staring at the computer screen in silence for a long, sad time. It's all for the best, I know it is. I'm choosing happiness over suffering. I know I am. I'm making space for the unknown future to fill up my life wit yet-to-come surprises.I know all this. But still...

He says, "Do not apologize for crying. Without this emotion, we are only robots."

He doesn't try to put a reassuring arm around me , nor does he express the slightest discomfort about my explosion of sadness. Instead he just sits through my tears in silence, until I've calmed down. At which point he speaks with perfect empathy choosing each word with care, saying slowly and clearly and kindly.

This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something.

Whats it like in hell?"Same as in heaven" he said.He saw my confusion and tried to explain. "Universe is a circle".I still wasn't sure I understood.He said, "To up, to down-all the same, at end.""Then how can you tell the difference between heaven and hell?""Because of how you go. Heaven , you go up, through seven happy places. Hell, you go down, through seven sad places. This is why it better for you to go up. Same in end, so better to happy on journey.So if heaven is love, then hell is .."?"Love too," he said."Always so difficult for young person to understand this!"

Saturday, November 06, 2010


As I laze around on a weekend morning, I get lame ideas on how wonderful it would be to have a technology where there is a feature as in the operating system to search/find something in the house and I exactly know the location of it.

How nice it would be to just say arrange (like we arrange icons on desktop) the house in seconds as per how we want.

నేను చిటికేస్తే పనులన్ని ఇట్టే అయిపోతే ఎంత బాగుండు..
Hmm we never know how much the technology can progress to make our lives easier(lazier).

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Can I

Can I have those fondest memories

Can I have those innocent dreams

Can I have those beautiful moments

Just for one more time?

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Work- life - balance -> Something all of us need to know how to manage.

Initial days of career seem quite exciting and for all the ambitious and aspiring people, it means a lot to finish the work on time, work for long hours, take a lot of initiatives etc.

You might get visibility and people appreciate the hardwork, but as it continues, there is a possibility that people start thinking that this particular person has nothing else interesting to do other than work and hence stays at work for longer time and you would be the one to be given (dumped upon) a lot of work and rest of the people relax at home.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


A lame attempt to draw a princess while I am stressed out at work.
I must show it to my niece to ask to what degree did my lame attempt to draw princess Belle succeeded.
Hmm..feel like coloring it too. I should have some color pencils as well at work.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Blue angels

Had been to San Francisco today and watched the blue angels perform.
Didn't get to capture the videos myself but found on youtube now. Credit to original uploaders. It was nice to watch in person though. Perfect weather today.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Some days are so hectic.
Had to catch a flight on the weekend and highway totally blocked on the way to the airport. Phew. Should have actually checked the traffic. I feel bad for the incident which caused the highway block for so long.

Somehow this is time I realized that pets are allowed in the flight and people could put a dog in a bag like thing (pet kennel?). Well, I must have noticed a lot of times but never registered in the mind till someone sat with a dog next to me on flight.
I thought of catching up on sleep in the flight but thanks to my fear of dogs, couldn't sleep at all. Well the poor puppy/dog was stuck it its kennel/bag and under the seat but it kept moving its head and I was concerned if it was going to lick my legs or something.
Anyways, travelling isn't fun when it is across timezones and have to immediately work.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I was looking at this link today when it was featured on yahoo main page.
I love to be a student anytime. Who doesn't? Infact I always dreamt to go to a big university, sit in a library , be an aspiring student , do research etc. some extent I am happy enough that I could study here in the US but I feel I should have worked even more hard to get into into a much a bigger and prestigious university. May I still could ?

Wish I could see an IIT campus or another prestigious institution in India as well. Don't know how it is to study there.

I realize I like reading books, obsessed with libraries or bookstores..or may be it is a thirst for knowledge or learning more. Wish I were a researcher or a scientist. If I could control my chronic thoughts and chronic worry, I can probably do some better things.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I wanna...

"Give me another chance
I wanna grow up once again "

How many times in life did we think of this, that given a chance, we would want to grow up again. I don't know if I want to grow up again all over but I would want to go back to a specific time in life and, given a chance make it more lovely and beautiful and live happily ever.

Sometimes I wonder, if certain things are going exactly how you wished and prayed, if anyone casts an evil eye and everything goes in way leaving the heart deeply wounded.

I don't know if one should be sad on something that hasn't happened, feel unfortunate or what? Certain things and days leave both happiness and pain behind.
How could god plan such an event and a game with us, humans that some days leave the fondest memories and fulfillment but yet they cause immense pain. Pain is what probably the humans create for themselves?

Life makes me think many things for which I don't have proper answers - what is it that we are born for? Yearn for? Is it bad to follow your heart? Go by the instincts?
I thought I had been following my heart and that is the best thing to do when I am so clear in my mind. I thought as long as I don't mean any harm to anyone, I am leading a good life and god would give me everything that I wish for? Am I right?
Is there really called Karma - to attribute when certain things don't really happen?
Does god give everyone what they need and what they deserve?
What is the motto of life? Why is love important in life? Why does God put the human beings through these emotions, attachments, love , heart breaks, pain and suffering ? What is loving with pure heart? Why does it feel that talking to some make us feel that you are my someone?Why can't everyone have happy lives? Why is love so powerful, painful, wonderful yet devastating to some?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Color Color

If anyone asks me my favorite color, I realized that the way I answer is all about me interepreting the questions as "What is your favorite color that you like to wear".

I don't know why I associate the favorite color to only clothing?
Is that the common association in general for us with colors?
Is it just me?
How do you interpret the question "Your favorite color?"

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

What is so intriguing?

Sometimes I wonder, what is it that is so intriguing to guys about girls who are quiet and who mind their business.
I can't generalize to everyone but there are always some group of guys who are extra curious.
In a professional environment, we come to work, mind our business, talk as much as needed and go. What is so intriguing about single girls? These guys have an issue with girls who talk as well and girls who don't as well.
College environment and office environment are different. Isn't it?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

ధర్మ సందేహం

మనం చేసే పాప పుణ్యాలు మనం ఎంత వరకు రోజుకి అసలు రియలైజ్ అవుతాము?
నాకు వచ్చే విచిత్రమైన ఆలోచనలు ఒక్కోసారి ధర్మ సందేహాలతో లింక్ ఐతే ఇంక విచిత్రంగా ఉంటాయి. ఫర్ ఎక్షాంపుల్..ఇదిగో ఈ ఆలోచన..
ఎక్కడో అష్టాదశ పురాణాల్లో ఉంటుందిట, మన పాపాల చిట్ట మేయింటైన్ చేసే చిత్రగుప్తుడు అసలు లేడుట. మనం పడుకున్నప్పుడు మన కళ్ళే దేవుడి దగ్గర అన్నీ చెప్పేస్తాయిట. కాని అసలు మనం మన మనసులో ఎన్ని సార్లు నిజం గా realize ఔతాము అరె, అనవసరం గ ఇది చేసానే అనో..లేక ఈ పని mean గా చేసాను అనో? ట్రాఫిక్ సిగ్నల్ మారే లోగా ముందు కార్ వాడు కాస్త స్లో గా వెళ్ళడం వల్ల మనం ఆగాల్సివచ్చినా కూడా ఒక్కోసారి వాడిని తిట్టేస్కుంటాం అనవసరం గా.ఇలా అసలు రోజుకి ఎన్ని చేస్తూ ఉంటామో.మన సో కాల్డ్ ఆ పాప పుణ్యాల లిస్ట్ రోజూ వారీగా మనకి తెలిసి ఎప్పటికి అప్పుడు మనమే మన actions ని సమీక్షించుకోగలిగితే ప్రపంచం లో అందరం మంచి వాళ్ళుగా ఐపోవచ్చా?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wizdum(b) of the day

Exactly when you want to work from home, internet suddenly stops working on that particular day and the wonderful customer service don't fail to irritate you.

Exactly when you want attempt to wear high heels which match with the shirt, you just fall off them walking and exactly in front of a bunch of guys who love to gossip and spread the news around.

Exactly when you want to avoid somebody at work, you are made to work with the same person.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Funny Thought

Just a funny thought crossed my mind, as I was closing the lid of my water bottle.
పూర్వం మరచెంబుల్లో నీళ్ళు తాగేవారు...ఇప్పుడు Go Green అని మనం ఇంచు మించు మరి అలాంటివాటిట్లోనే తాగుతున్నాం.ఎటొచ్చీ కాస్త style గా చేసుకున్నాం కొత్త మరచెంబుల్ని..ఏం అనచ్చు వీటిని తెలుగులో? మరలోటా?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Random-er(r) thoughts

Realization of the day:

Walking with wrong shoes indeed will cause something called blisters in feet.

Pondering for the day:

Just like how we put the computers to sleep mode, I wish we could do that to our mind. Just put it to sleep mode and no other thoughts or disturbing dreams.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thoughts and Questions..

Strangest thought of the day:
Why can't shadows be in color?

Philosophical(?) thought of the day:
If all the present suffering is because of the deeds of past janma, what is this janma about? If accounts are settled, no rebirth?

Quote of the day:
Certain things are better done in person (From the book I am reading )

Most criticizing thought for self:

Don't go after power and don't compare yourself.
Why do I forget this once in a while?

Question to be answered:
Why do some people take some for granted and why do some people let themselves to be taken for granted?

Saturday, June 12, 2010


ఒక అలిసిపోయిన క్షణంలో
ఎవరికైనా మాత్రం ఏం అనిపిస్తుంది
ఇష్టమైన వారి కళ్ళలో చూస్తూ
రేపటి గురించిన ఏ ఆలోచన లేకుండా
సేద తీరాలని అనిపిస్తుందేమో?
కళ్ళెప్పుడూ అబద్దమాడవట
నీ కళ్ళని చూడాలని
ఆ కళ్ళలో ప్రేమని అన్వేషించాలని
ఏంటో ఒక పిచ్చి అభిలాష...

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Known Universe

How much do we know and how much we don't?
Are we the only ones in the whole universe?
How were we formed? What is going to happen in few more hundreds and thousands of years?
Could there be some other galaxy and some other earth like planet where there are "people"? How do they look and what do they do? How advanced could they be?
Very intriguing.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Into the future

I think people who have been following Stephen Hawking's programme of late have started pondering about the possibility of travel within the time - into the future.
I noticed some blogs today about the same and I couldn't really understand much.
In theory, looks like Hawking said it could be possible, with some "if"s to go into future, provided some time machine like thing could travel with the speed of light.I wish I could atleast understand 0.01% of it. With my little brain, I was thinking that even if someone travels with speed of light, and considering that is future? (still can't understand how it would be future), rest of the world is still in the present, right? (Yeah i am actually scratching my head now, thinking about this) if everyone else is in present, how could we say someone went into future. Nothing really happens there if you are the only one in there? (tapping my head now).
Someone else drew an anology that sun , is several light years away from us, and the sunrays reach here after about 8 mins. So, my little brain thinks, that should that mean that present for us is past @ sun? Well it took sometime though. (banging my head now)
Darn..can't understand..and yeah it is 1AM and it is a week day. I felt as if I understood sometime I can't...relativity...nah..insanity at this time.


Clicked this as I was just walking in the apartment complex.
As I was looking at the picture, was thinking how would it look if I draw it.
Need to attempt it. For some reason, right since my childhood, if I look at a view that I really like, I would immediately think of drawing it and coloring it.
Have been looking around for some local art classes but most are offered for the kids.
I would love to learn along with kids, but well...yeah I don't want to come across as wierd..need to find something offered for the adults that doesn't cost me a fortune.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another random ranting

Everytime I feel so let down , I always motivate myself that I have been through worser times in life and this too shall pass.
Compared to many many people in the world who are in suffering, I know and acknowledge that I am very much leading a quality life. But I think some of the disappointments come from unfulfilled goals and when there is a lack of balance in life.

What do about the unfulfilled goals ? A reality check,on how realistic the goals are?
What did I want to be at this stage of life?
How happy am I currently? If I am not, what is it that I could do to reach there?
I think those are the questions that I ask.
What about lack of balance in life. What if certain things are beyond my control?
Wonder what others do to motivate themselves.

Can't believe that I could ever be this way for the kind of ferocious aspirations I had and how I used to be so ambitious.
Hmm..why is it that for some of us, nothing comes without a great struggle in life, and why is it that for some, it is such a cake walk? Probably this proverb holds good here - Grass on the other side is always greener.
Who knows.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Moral of the day

Moral of the day, that I learnt, trust your own instincts and your own self and others.
Phew.I totally understood today on why we hear about so many caltrain incidents.
Hmm...Thank you God !!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Sad to know the demise of C.K.Prahalad
May his soul rest in peace.
India has given birth to many great people, C.K.Prahalad being one of them and internationally renowned.
May the younger generation today take the thoughts forward than wasting away the time doing useless stuff.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


రక్తం మరిగిపోయే అంతగా కోపం వచ్చినా, నమ్మకాన్ని దారుణంగా దెబ్బ తీసినా కొంత మంది మీద ఆ కోపం ఆవేశం ఎందుకు ప్రదర్శించలేం?
వాళ్ళ మీద ఉన్న ప్రేమా లేక బెనిఫిట్ ఆఫ్ డౌటా లేక కోపం ప్రదర్శించినా ఒక్కసారి గాయపడిన మనసు ఎలాగో హీల్ కాలేదు అనే నిర్లిప్తత?

Friday, April 09, 2010

Random thoughts..

Being always a protected one at home hardly ever gives a chance to show a protectiveness towards another person. But we do grasp so much from the elders and how they show care for us.

I hardly knew how to pamper someone else. I am always the one who gets pampered, be it from family or friends.

But when it comes to any situations where I know I am the older one or the one who is capable of showing how to take care , I surprise myself that there is this aspect as well in me that I can do things this way. Well, I think one of the biggest things I think I learnt after coming to this country is to just discover myself and let myself evolve as a person and groom my own individuality - whether I come across as someone in old school or someone who is stubborn ; it is just me. I like to react and talk in my own way rather than doing certain things just for the sake of it or by peer pressure.

As much as parents like to raise the girls in such a protective way, I think I had a lot of issues being ignorant and took way too long to evolve from a child like mind to think like an adult. Innocence after sometime actually becomes ignorance and ignorance isn't always bliss .

Hmm not sure what I wanted to write.
Yet another day passed by.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

What is life about?

Sometimes life seems so strange to me.
Human life, God's creation.
What is the purpose of life?
Each and everybody must have a purpose of this birth. But not everybody really achieves it, may be?
How many really feel that bliss?
What does God think , looking at some of us who are drifting away from what our purpose is?
I can't really seem to understand sometimes. Life is not permanent for anyone.
What is this all about? దేనికోసం మనిషి కి ఈ తాపత్రయం?మనిషి కి ఈ బంధాలు,బాంధవ్యాలు?ఉన్న ఈ జీవితం లో మళ్ళీ మోసాలు, కుట్రలు, కుతంత్రాలు?చివరకి ఎవరు మాత్రం ఏం సాధిస్తారు?
Would there be a point where human being doesn't have anything to look forward to at all? Where are we heading to? What is it that we are behind? Is it all about money? Or to be peaceful?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Giving a wrong message to youngsters?

I am surprised to see the headlines today.

I am not sure, if this was what exactly the court said or if any feathers and wings were added to the story.

The first thing I thought was that it is like planting encouraging thoughts in the young minds that there is nothing wrong about it.

There might not be a law per say , but how about our morals and ethics. I wish that a wrong message isn't sent to the people.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


A super favorite song of mine (Would there be anyone who wouldn't like this song)

సీతారాముల కళ్యాణం అంటే నాకు భద్రాచలం ఎంత గుర్తొస్తుందో ఈ పాట కూడా అంతే గుర్తొస్తుంది. ఈ పాటలో ఇంత చక్కని మాటలకి ప్రాణం పోసిన స్వరకల్పన.
అసలు ఏ పెళ్ళి అయినా నాకు ఈ పాటే గుర్తొస్తుంది.

I have great obsession to these lyrics in this song,right from my childhood:

జానకి దోసిట కెంపుల ప్రోవై, కెంపుల ప్రోవై
రాముని దోసిట నీలపు రాశై, నీలపు రాశై..
ఆణిముత్యములు తలంబ్రాలుగా..
ఆణిముత్యములు తలంబ్రాలుగా..
శిరముల మెరసిన సీతారాముల...

శిరమున మెరసిన సీతారాముల

ఆనందమానందమాయెనే ...

అసలు ఏదైనా పెళ్ళి అంటే మన తెలుగు వారందరూ తలంబ్రాలకి ఈ పాటే పెట్టి తీరాలి అని వాదించే అంతగా నాకు ఈ పాట, ఈ lyrics అంటే obsession.

శ్రీరామనవమి శుభాకాంక్షలు !

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Some random drawings these days for my stress relief...

Critique in me voices that they are looking like a 5 year old's drawings... never mind...just a matter of taking break and pampering my mind which choses to be child like, once in a while...

Sunday, March 07, 2010

when the mind isn't rested

Sometimes I set unrealistic goals for myself and get upset with myself that I haven't done everything that I wanted to do on a particular day or on a particular weekend. Wonder if it is because I want to do way too many things. Be knowledgeable on everything. Knowing everything isn't very possible but wonder why I feel like knowing everything - atleast in terms of technology or the domain I work on. If it is an ego that I have to know a lot of things and be respected for what I know, or a race that I want to be in the top and be distinguished, or my critical nature that always nags me that I can do better or just an ambitous trait to make me feel motivated for being the best in whatever I do.

Whatever is the case, I guess I need to take things with a better state of mind. Of late, I can feel that mind isn't actually rested. I am constantly nagged even in the sleep and I don't feel rested at all.

A rested peaceful mind can probably grasp things better, think better. As much as I know what to do, I need to overcome the inertia and get to the actual implementation and streamlining the thoughts in a better way and put them into action.

(Picture courtesy; Google search engine for images)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Master blaster's double ton

Highest run scorer - whether test matches or one day.
First player to cross 10,000 runs in one day internationals and now
First man on the planet to score 200 in one day international match.
Who else could be more deserving - Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar.

What a delight. How phenominal !!!!
I have always been idolizing sachin ever since school days and I don't think I would have been happy if anyone else has gotten this record prior to him. I don't even think anyone in the recent future would be able to do this but I am glad sachin has set the record. I might not know each and every detail in the cricket but it is a sport that I enjoyed so much during school and college days in India, watching with friends , sitting on the edge of the sofa :) I don't actually know the names of all the shots in the cricket, but my favorite has always been the straight shot that he hits over the head of the bowler, to the boundary. I had a feeling that is a typical Sachin's shot than anyone else's. ( Atleast, I would want to believe so ! )
I think there were instances in school where we had essay writing in english and I chose about cricket match a couple of times. I know I received "Good,Keep it up" for those essays :)

Anyways, Awesome Sachin !

Monday, February 22, 2010


Wanted to pause a couple of minutes during work today and drew this on post-it.
కాదేదీ నా పిచ్చి గీతలకనర్హం :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Leader - Sekhar Kammula film

Watched Sekhar Kammula's Leader today.
I liked the movie and appreciate Sekhar's honest and noble attempt to make a movie of this genre. It really takes courage to make a movie pointing out the corruption in the current political front. There could have been other movies but not as plain movie as this. I hope that he would receive accolades from everyone in the society for this attempt.

Change would not come in a single day but if not a change in the whole political scenario, if each person can take sometime to introspect themselves on how truthful they are , towards themselves, their families and society, that itself is enough. Afterall, if a person can hold himself/herself to be accountable and responsible enough for every action of theirs, they wouldn't do anything that is hurting. There has to be a starting point where everyone could live a truthful and honest life. Every person born would have to die one day and god gave us a chance to live as a human being which is supposed to be a superior living being compared to other living creatures on this earth. But how is our behaviour on a day to day basis. How truthful are we being towards our parents, out siblings, our loved ones ? And what does it take to be honest and truthful?

Coming back to the movie, Sekhar, I appreciate your attempt and hope it will be well received.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Lot of times, some people just brand me that I am still in old school, that I am conservative.
What is wrong being conservative and being in old school when it comes to my own beliefs of my ethics and morals. As long as I am not harming anyone, I love being in my old school, if that is what it is called.
Being away from home gives a lot of freedom , but it is all about how you make use of it really defines you. Not being open to everything probably also gets branded as being conservative - being in shell. Why should anyone be open to everything if that is out of the comfort zone?
Why pretend to be what you are not? I just can't get how everybody else moved onto a new school . But they are happy that way, I am happy this way.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's day

"Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." -Robert Heinlein.

It just made me smile, how the above quote says love is the "condition" :)
Not sure why this day is named after a Christian martyr but since then, this day has been popular for expressing love, I believe people who haven't expressed love to their beloved, do wait for this day . Remembered this song and these lyrics somehow...

Aisa koi saathi ho aisa koi premi ho
Pyaas dil ki bujha jaaye
Neele neele ambar par chaand jab aaye
Pyaar barsaaye humko tarsaaye

Pyaar mein nahaane ko doob hi jaane ko
Dil mera tadpaaye khwaab jaga jaaye
Aisa koi saathi ho aisa koi premi ho
Pyaas dil ki bujha jaaye

Sure, love is wonderful , only when it is reciprocated as well,I guess. Otherwise, it just wounds the heart which isn't easy to heal. Why does someone love someone in a romantic kind of relationship - For how many does it mean more than fulfulling the desire of getting attention from someone ? Nevertheless, love is so powerful that it can make you go through many kind of emotions.

I think I like this quote -
The art of love is largely the art of persistence - Albert Ellis

Happy Valentine's day !

Thursday, February 11, 2010


కె.విశ్వనాథ్ గారి సినిమాలు, ఆ సినిమాలలో పాటలు గురించి ఎంత చెప్పినా తక్కువే ఏమో. ఇళయరాజా గారి సంగీతం లో ఉన్న magic అనాలో మరి విశ్వనాథ్ గారి టేస్ట్ అనాలో కాని,goosebumps , వస్తాయి. మచ్చుకకి కొన్ని ...

ఈ క్రింది పాటలో "వాగర్ధావివసంపృప్తౌ వాగర్ధ ప్రతిపత్తయే", "తపముని కిరణం తామస హరణం శివుని నయనత్రయ లాస్యం..." లైన్లకే అసలు goosebumps వచ్చేస్తాయి.

అన్నట్టు ఈ రెండు పాటలు శివుడి మీదే. శివరాత్రి సందర్భంగా ఇక్కడ కూడా "విశ్వనాథుని" సినిమాల్లో, శివుడి మీద వచ్చే పాటలు చెప్పుకున్నాం గా :).ఎలాగో శివరాత్రి అన్నాను గా, కొన్ని లింకులు
మహాశివరాత్రివ్రతం ,జాగరణ పుణ్యఫలం, శివకళ్యాణ సమ్రంభం, శివలింగ విశేషాలు

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Excerpts from book

I was reading Sudha Murty's "The Old Man and His God". It was absolutely interesting to me. I think I heard her saying some of the stories written in this book in this speech as well.

I absolutely admire her for her candor.

I am quoting some excerpts from the book here. Whenever I am reading a book, some of the sentences fascinate me. In this book, the below sentences really caught me as they probably hit me hard/made me smile/i acknowledge and think the same/I can associate with them/inspired me.

"Anything given away for free loses value and is not treated with the respect it deserves. "

"Everyone has secrets. We all have faults that we try to hide.But the problem arises when don't acknowledge those troubles and faults even to ourselves and pretend to be what we are not."

"We can live in our happiness only when we acknowledge our difficulties and failures and try to overcome them with our strength of character. "

"So what if you have lost the battle, you will win the war. "

"A horegallu is essential in any journey. We all carry our burdens according to our situations and capacities.But every once in a while we need to stop, put down that burden and rest. Only then can we be refreshed enough to pick up the load once more. The horegallu gives everyone that oppurtunity to do so. It helps people regain their strengths. "(I am assuming that telugu word for horegallu is "arugu")

"I don't think there is a greater sin than betraying someone's confidence. "

"Being an introvert, he was quite happy to be alone. "

"With age, I have discovered that it is easier to remember the events of the distant past rather than what happened earlier in the day. "

"It is rare to find a driver who does not drive his auto like a race car, or has a meter which gives the correct reading. For that matter, travelling by road is far more dangerous than travelling by air. "

"I am caught between two generations. "

"He would see that India was known through the world not for her poverty but for the skills of her young people - that would be his contribution towards removing India's problems. "

"It is rare to come across a couple who understand that they are on a journey together, sharing their joys and sorrows. Marriage was a partnership, not a burden or an object to be flaunted. "

"If you want to keep your feet clean in this muddy world, there are only two solutions.Either cover the entire earth or wear a pair of sandals. "

Some of the excerpts from Alchemist in my one of posts here

Saturday, February 06, 2010

శ ష ల ళ

ఈ మధ్య కాలం లో అసలు పిల్లలకి శ ష ల ళ పలకడం లో తేడా తెలియడం లేదా అనిపిస్తూ ఉంటుంది. (పిల్లలకే కాదేమో, పెద్దవాళ్ళకి కూడనూ).ఎప్పుడైనా తెలుగు కార్యక్రమాలు చూసినా, ముఖ్యం గా పాటలు వింటుంటే..అబ్బా ఈ ఉచ్చారణ సరిగ్గా ఉండి ఉంటే, ఇంకెంత బాగుండేది అనిపిస్తుంది. (ఉదాహరణకి ..ఈ పాట లో కల్ల ముందు స్వర్గముంచి అని పాడారు ...కళ్ళ ముందు అని పాడి ఉంటే బాగుండేది కదా. ఈ పాట కేవలం ఉదాహరణ మాత్రమే.In general తెలుగు రాని వారు పాడి ఉంటే, అది వేరే విషయం కాని, మన తెలుగు వారు కూడా చాలా మంది మరి అలానే పలుకుతారు.చెప్పే గురువులు సరిగ్గా చెప్పడం లేదో ఏంటో. Hmm..అసలు నేర్పేవారికైన సరిగ్గా తెలియాలిగా.
పాటల ప్రోగ్రాములు అవి నిర్వహించే బాలు గారు లాంటి పెద్దలైనా కొంచం ఇలాటి ఉచ్చారణా దోషాల గురించి ప్రస్తావిస్తే ఎంత బాగుంటుంది.
ఇదే మాట ఆ మధ్య ఓసారి ఫ్రెండ్స్ దగ్గర అంటే, "అమ్మమ్మ లా కబుర్లు చెప్పకు, నీకు అంత కష్టం గా ఉంటే, చెవులు మూస్కో" అన్నారు.Huh. Wonder if I am way too meticulous and obnoxious. :p


మనుషుల్లో మార్పులు ఒక్కోసారి చాల ఆశ్చర్యం గా అనిపిస్తాయి.ముఖ్యం గా ఆడవాళ్ళలో. అప్పటిదాక ఎంతో ధైర్యవంతంగా ఉన్నా, ఎంతో అభిమానం గా ఉన్నా, ఒక్కసారి ఇంకో మనిషితో బంధం ఏర్పడ్డాక, ఆ అభిమానం/ఊరికే వచ్చే కోపం తగ్గిపోతాయా అనిపిస్తుంది. అభిమానం కోల్పోయి కాకపోవచ్చు,ఆ బంధం కోల్పోకూడదు అనే తాపత్రయం/అవతల మనిషికి ఇచ్చే గౌరవం వల్ల ఏమో?
ఈ రోజుల్లో చాలా శాతం బహుశా నువ్వెంత అంటే నువ్వెంత అనుకున్నప్పటికీ బంధాలు ప్రేమలు కావాలి, ఒక బంధం అంటూ ఏర్పడ్డాక దాన్ని నిలుపుకుని సర్దుకుని అర్థం చేస్కుని ఉన్నదాన్లో సంతోషంగా ఉండాలి అనుకునేవారు కూడా మరి ఉన్నారు. కాని ఉన్న జీవితం లో ఇలా బంధాలు వద్దు అని సడన్ గా దూరం చేసేస్కోవాలి అంటే, మనసు బాగా గాయపరుచుకోటమే అవుతుంది. కంపానియన్షిప్ అంటే కేవలం ఆనందంలోనే కాదు కదా.టఫ్ టైంస్ లో కూడా కలిసిమెలిసి ఉండాలిగా. ఇలాంటివి రాతల్లోనే బాగుంటాయి అనుకునేకంటే ప్రయత్నిస్తే అంత కష్టం కాదేమో.సున్నితమనస్కులు ఇంక వేరే బంధం అంటేనే డిప్రెషన్ కి గురయ్యే స్థాయికి తెచ్చుకునేలా రిలేషన్షిప్స్ స్ట్రెయిన్ చేస్కోకుండా ఆనందం గా జీవితం ఉంచుకోవాలి అనుకోటం - asking for too much?

జీవితం లో మనిషి కి ఎన్ని ఉన్నా, శ్రీశ్రీ గారు అన్నట్టు "నీ వ్యధ తెలిసి నీడగ నిలిచి,తోడొకరుండిన, అదే భాగ్యము,అదే స్వర్గము"

Monday, February 01, 2010


విజయవాడ లో అపహరణ కి గురైన చిన్నారి హతం.అతి దారుణం గా....అత్యంత కిరాతకం గా..
మనుషుల రూపం లో రాక్షసులు కంటే దారుణమైన ప్రాణులు ఇలా పసి పిల్లల్ని చంపడమా?
రాజ్యాంగానికి 60 యేళ్ళు అని సంబరంగా రిపబ్లిక్ దినం జరుపుకుని ఆ రోజుకి జండా వందనం చేసేసి చేతులు దులిపేస్కుంటే సరిపోతుందా? ఇలాంటి వాళ్ళని పట్టుకుని వాళ్ళు ఎలా అయితే ప్రాణాలు తీసారో, అలానే వాళ్ళని కూడా అందరూ చూస్తుండగా చంపండి.ఇలాంటి కఠిన చర్యలు లేకే దేశం లో ఇలాంటి ఘోరాలు చేసేవాళ్ళకి ఎక్కడా భయం లేదేమో.భయం, పాపభీతి అనే మాటలు కూడ వీళ్ళకి తెలియవు.
ఇంకా ఏం చూడాల్సివస్తుంది? ఇదేనా మన భారత దేశం.
ఏవో విభేదాలుంతటే పిల్లల ప్రాణాలు తీసే వీళ్ళకి ఎన్ని దమ్ములున్నాయో తెలుస్తూనే ఉంది.రాజ్యాంగాన్ని మార్చి ఇలాంటి సంఘటనలు ఇక జరగకుండా చట్టాలు మార్చాలి అని ఏ బుద్ధి ఉన్న రాజకీయ నాయకుడికి కూడా అనిపించదా?
Wake up India.
Please amend the laws. Execute the killers.
Please save the future citizens.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Swami Vivekananda - born on Jan 12, 1863. Some of his quotes :

My nature is love Him. And therefore I love. I do not pray for anything. I do not ask for anything. Let Him place me wherever He likes. I must love Him for love’s sake. I cannot trade in love.

Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success and, above all, love.

Everything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth cannot be sacrificed for anything.

Tell the truth boldly, whether it hurts or not. Never pander to weakness. If truth is too much for intelligent people and sweeps them away, let them go; the sooner the better.

Religion as a science, as a study, is the greatest and healthiest exercise that the human mind can have.

Impurity is a mere superimposition under which your real nature has become hidden. But the real you is already perfect, already strong.

“Comfort” is no test of truth; on the contrary, truth is often far from being “comfortable”.

Tribute to Vivekananda : Courtesy: Credits to original uploader and Youtube.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Why do I find this funny

A serious spec review meeting that I was able to overhear-A pretty nasty one though. But I found it pretty funny towards the end though I felt that the reviewer was thrashing the guy way too much.

Reviewer : You wrote some stuff that cannot be understood by others. Looks like you - yourself do not understand it.

Engineer : No. I understood.

Reviewer: Can you explain.

Engineer : I will figure it out and get back to you.

Reviewer : Then why did you put it in the document.

Engineer: I had to give the document by this day

Reviewer : It is rather better to get stuck than putting something you don't understand. We will review again.
Engineer : Why? I had put a lot more. I want you to see all that.
Reviewer: I don't have my whole day for this - that too something which you made without understanding. Anyways, why didn't you put some state transition diagrams instead of so many pages of explanation.

Engineer : I felt it would not be understood.

The reviewer guy was already irritated highly.

Reviewer: Even monkeys can understand diagrams.

I was amazed by that last stmt. Huh. Well I wasn't part of the conversation, unfortunately, I was just able to hear it from the conference room next to my cube.

Darn..What a stmt..even monkeys can understand state diagrams.

Imagine, you give a state transition diagram to a monkey and monkey even understanding it. Cool isn't it. We could train monkeys to type code as well and put the monkey on job - and we could relax.

Huh...I kinda find that stmt funny as well as I am making sarcastic comments on that.
Wonder why some people are so rude when they review other people's work.
Hmm ..No offense to either of them too...probably they are way too stressed out or the first guy was souding very condescending or the other guy was purposely irritating him, but that stmt was something that I heard this afternoon and still ringing in my head till now; probably because I didn't really expect to hear such thing in a review , though I know of and have been to rude reviews.

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